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Video: D*Face in Los Angeles

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D*face Paints the Ridiculous Pool from Tom Blachford on Vimeo.

D*Face was recently asked to paint a skate pool owned by pro surfer Peter kKing. The project took four days and saw over 500 skulls hand stenciled into the pool which was christened by legend Steve “Salba” Salba, one of the original members of the Santa Cruz skate team

“Peter and legendary skater Steve ‘Salba’ Alba discovered this pool, as they have with many, in the back yard of a vacant house in San Bernardino; hit hard by the economic downturn and subprime mortgage fiasco, San Bern or BadLands has left many properties vacant, like many downsides there’s an up to those who are searching… this area has the most amount of pools built in the 50’s… which unlike most pools built today are beautifully curved and shaped, offering up dream like transitions to those committed, pool hunting, backyard jumping skaters.

This particular pool got Christened the ‘Ridiculous Pool’ as it’s transitions and shape are God given. The pool remained empty and secretly skated for a few years until the property was put up for sale, fearing it would be brought by one of the property developer vultures circling overhead, which would have seen the pool turned back into it’s intended use, Peter stepped in and brought the property, pool and all, the rest is history … I was asked if I’d like to paint it… I didn’t need asking twice.”

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