‘Top Tory’ Jeremy Hunt was under fire last night saying that graffiti is “wonderful”. The Shadow Culture Secretary went on to say:
“Sometimes graffiti — however objectionable and anti-social it is in principle — can be very thought-provoking.”
“There’s a wonderful slogan daubed on a fence alongside the M40 coming into London that says, ‘Why do I do this every day?’”
You can read the full article here from the Current Bun’s website. Below is an excerpt from his blog regarding his objectives behind the speech.
“Later today, I will be giving my first keynote speech on the arts. I’ll be addressing the great and the good of the arts world so I’m looking forward to seeing the reaction to my speech. I am going to set out policies that show the Conservative Party’s commitment to the arts – such as shaking up the amount spent on administration in the public sector and ensuring that additional money can be generated through philanthropy in the private sector. If Ed Vaizey and I do one thing for the arts, I want it to be creating an environment that encourages and rewards philanthropy. It has been estimated that while philanthropy amounts to 1.67 per cent of GDP in the US, it only makes up 0.7 per cent in the UK – we want to change that. Full link will be on tomorrow’s post.”
- Tags: Legal graffiti, politics, The Sun