Ghostvillage from Agents Of Change on Vimeo.
As a teaser for you before the full 10 minute version drops, we thought we share the short video of the recent Agents of Change adventure; “The Ghost Village Project”
Curated by Agents of Change The Ghostvillage was conceived as an antidote to a world of ever increasing safety and mediocrity. Six artists were given free reign of a never inhabited village on the west coast of Scotland – working on pristine walls Remi/Rough, Stormie, System, Timid, Derm and Juice 126 have created a gallery like no other…..and finally given the village the ghosts it deserves…..
Expect us to be showing you the longer version real soon…
- Tags: Agents of Change
I seriously cant wait to see what these guys have done with the space. This environment needs a ‘Mutate Britian’ all over style make over.