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Banksy “Exit Through The Gift Shop” LA premiere re-cap

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Bobby Hundreds recaps last night’s “Exit Through the Giftshop” premiere that took place at the historic Los Angeles Theatre

“As you may have come to expect from street art’s most celebrated figurehead, it was all hoopla, pizzazz, and paparazzi around the city block as showtime neared. And inside, voluptuous girls pouring out of flapper dresses, ski-masked service, some of Banksy’s notable installations like Tweety, free popcorn, and a faceless pianoman. […] Everyone had their own take-home message with this movie, but for me, this film is just a big fat finger pointed right back at the viewer. It’s funny, we can leave it at that. And it’s hard not to believe that somewhere sipping champagne and toasting the frivolity of it all, Banksy and Brainwash are laughing at us all once again. The adoring public can’t get enough of their “art,” and no matter how hard the artists drive home the irreverence, the collectors want it that much more. Is Banksy laughing at Guetta,… or is he laughing at us?”

Take a leap for more images and read Bobby’s full text here.

Source: High Snobiety

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